Aug 22, 2023

'Moments' 19 ー"You're nothing."ー

"You're nothing."

Peter Avalon

Craven Knyte

Caleb Konley


Shawn Spears

Ivan Blake

Dick Durning


Mr. Evans said...

Damn, some steamy moments. Good stuff

Archie said...

Extremely hot ALL of them !!
Love all the humiliation , my favorite is Peter Avalon AND Shawn Spears ( the ultimate humiliation 🔥)
We want more of “ You’re nothing “ series !! THANK YOU 🙏

W.R. said...

I love the last gifs with Dick Durning. He's so helpless!

Chris H said...

definitely loved seeing Ivan getting pulled up and sagging over that boot, and Durning's opponent just kicking him over... But Orange Cassidy playing with a knocked out Shawn Spears has got to be the highlight for me!

Anonymous said...
