Oct 24, 2022

Cameron Matthews

Lon Dumont vs. Cameron Matthews


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Anonymous said...

Having the other wrestlers on the couches cheering on Cam’s destruction is hot.

Chris H said...

agreed with Anon above - Cameron is such a handsome guy and a smarmy heel, and that he gets his ass kicked as often as he does is such a delight!

If you have the time/money/inclination, one of my favorite matches of his was him against Austin Cooper, Cam is in control for most of the match but the knockout finish is what I live for!

Tets (He is Out!) said...


I agree. It turns me on when audiences cheer on pathetic hero.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Chris H-san;

I chose this match this time because Cameron gets worked over a lot and I liked the American flag gear, but actually I really like the match against Austin Cooper, too.