Apr 20, 2022


Vince'NT (C) vs. Hellmer Lo Guennec
【Title Match】


Enjoy this match! 💪


DF421 said...

Aw did the poor handsome boy lose his championship belt?
The 6th and 7th gifs from the bottom are fantastic. Thanks, tets-san for a great new discovery in this stud.
Does he suffer great beatings like this in his more of his matches? I hope so.

RayAtL said...

Vince is a stunner!
You find the best for your blog!

Anonymous said...

Great new find, Tets-san. I hope to see more suffering from Vincent in the future.

Archie said...

On man Vince is beautiful
I love his strong lean body and his butt and thighs are kind of thicker comparing to his lean body
He suffers beautifully
Awesome job

Tets (He is Out!) said...


Yes. OUR boy lost his championship belt after taking a lot of punishments in a disrespectful way.

I love the gifs, too. That's pretty pathetic.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

RayAtL-san & Anonymous-san;

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this post!

Tets (He is Out!) said...


I like his tights that reminds me of a superhero. But what I like about him more is contrary to the superhero tights, he is actually weak and gets groggy miserably.

Chris H said...

those cocky, small smacks across his face, and the way Vince is so out of it he just takes it... perfection.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Chris H-san;

This young champion with hero character did wonderful job in this match. I love the way he gets groggy.