Apr 28, 2016

【Extra Post】 Arigato! -One Year Anniversary-

It has been a year since I started this blog. I would like to thank regular readers (I hope there are). If you leave comments or claps, that would help me to keep my motivation. Also feel free to use my bulletin board to talk about hot wrestlers and matches.

※These pics are from previous posts. 過去のブログから・・・


jobber you know who said...

I can tell that i always check out your blog almost everyday. You are so kind that spend the time and share many great matches for us.
I am glad that I am not only one in this world who like this kind of thing.
Also thanks that you reply my email I sent to share what kind of match I like.
I cannot live without these.
Always cheer you.
Jobber you know who

Chris H said...

Congrats on making it to a full year! I think it's clear to anyone who views your blog/has made gifs of their own that you put a crap ton of hard work into you blog. It definitely shows, and I am sure I'm not the only one who greatly appreciates it!

Alex Miller said...

Congratulations! Keep up the great work. Love your blog.

heisout said...

Thank you for the very nice words. I never expected to be thanked. I thank you for visiting my blog everyday.
I'm happy, too, to know that I'm not the only one who likes this stuff. I hope you'll enjoy my future posts.

heisout said...

Chris H-san;
Thank you! I'm glad to hear your nice words about my work. Actually I'm doing this for myself. I get happy to know that my readers like things that turn me on. I hope that you'll keep enjoying this blog.

heisout said...

Alex Miller-san;
Thank you! You gave me the motivation to keep doing this.

heisout said...

Thank you for the great words. I appreciate it. Actually it takes some time to make images so it's hard to post everyday, but I'll try.

jon0190 said...

Take your time! Once a day or once a week, it doesn't matter because you always bring A+ quality.
Congratulations on the anniversary. Here's to another year of hot dominated jobbers! :-D

heisout said...

Thank you for your kind words. I'm always anxious if readers like the images I made.
I hope I can find hot matches to keep this blog for another year. If you know some, please let me know.