Mar 4, 2023

Tommy Rogers

Midnight Express (C) vs The Fantastics
【Title Match】



Anonymous said...

Love seeing tommy punished - he always sells beautifully

Wrestling Arsenal said...

Oh good -- more Tommy Rogers, one of my favorites of all time. It looks like this is the 9th time you've featured him which is fine with me, keep them coming. Really nice video content in this one -- I loved it when they kicked him out of the ring and down to the floor. I will re-blog some of these images on my newTumbl feed.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Who can sell so beautifully like he does!

I love watching when wrestler gets groggy and loses his bearings then the commentator says "He doesn't know where he is." When it happens in a tag team match, groggy wrestler reaches out to the wrong corner where his opponent waits. I'm not sure how many of you noticed it, but the pathetic thing is happening in the 3rd gif from the bottom.

Wrestling Arsenal-san;
Only 9? He deserves more. I (we?) need to let people know how hot he is more.

Eli Jav said...

"groggy wrestler reaches out to the wrong corner where his opponent waits" ... it's like subconsciously he wants to be more pathetic and more punishment

Tets (He is Out!) said...

That’s why Tommy Rogers is one of the hottest jobber.