May 2, 2022

The Rock

The Rock (C) vs CM Punk 【Title Match】



Mr. Evans said...

No one will ever sell it better than The Rock. A legendary sprawl.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

I agree. I wish I could taste his helpless body like CM Punk does in the 5th gif from the bottom.

Eli Jav said...

Tets-san, you mean the 5th image not the 5th gif? The one where CM Punk is lying on top of the Rock?

I really like that one too if so. I like how their hot bodies are lying on top of each other and how CM Punk's leg is between the Rock's thighs and how their packages are practically touching

Tets (He is Out!) said...


Yes, I mean the 5th image. Sorry.

I love the moment, too. That's why I made it slow. It's like CM Punk came accidentally, isn't it?