Mar 18, 2022

Soner Dursun

Bubblegum vs Soner Dursun



Mr. Evans said...

He is so unbelievably hot, that bulge!

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Mr. Evans-san:

Yes, he is. If you can't keep your eyes off 'there', these are for you.

Mr. Evans said...

He really is the whole "package" isn't he? :-p

Chris H said...

ugh... good god, that cherry red on this guy, it's perfect for him - and as much as he bulges in those trunks of his... that final pic, face down, knocked out, defeated... I'm gonna need a few minutes here.

amazing work, as always... now if you'll excuse me..

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Chris H-san:

Your comment made my day! Thank you!

While watching this match, I enjoyed his bulge, but it’s not only that. That’s why I love the last picture, too. He is incredibly hot.

sockboy2 said...

Where can I find this match

Anonymous said...

Excellent banner pic choice, Tets-san.

Tets (He is Out!) said...


Thank you!!