Mar 22, 2021

Houston Carson & Cade Carson (Teacher & Student)

Houston Carson vs. Cade Carson 【No DQ Match】
※Teacher vs. Student


Enjoy this match! 💪


Chris H said...

looks like the student schooled the teacher... and not a lot of respect to show his former teacher too ;p handsome guys on both ends, I'd say!

Tets (He is Out!) said...

When I watched this match first time, I didn't know it was teacher vs student match. If I had known it, this match would have turned me on more.

Eli Jav said...

Damn, not just a normal teacher, but a muscle daddy beefy 🍖 manly teacher. All those sexy muscles just made useless by a young twink half his size and age. Youth and stamina beats big barrel chest and biceps ... so fuckin hot!!

RayAtL said...

I’ve been reading this blog for a few years and enjoy it immensely. I don’t tend to comment very often but I’ve got to say I would’ve never found this match if it wasn’t for you and your blog.

This match pushed all the buttons for me… It had a compelling story line of teacher versus student, beefy versus Lane, and family vs family (cousins apparently). Houston is the type of beefy wrestler that I love to follow!

At first i was thinking the filming may be a bit too dark but it worked in the final analysis. I’ve watched parts of this three and four times it’s great! (The most annoying thing about the match is the crowd but there’s not much to do about that)

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you for keeping visiting my blog and leaving the comment. It made me happy.

It sounds you really loved the match. Yes, it is a hot match especially if you know what’s going on behind.

Actually there were more hot moments I would post, but the camera was too far.