Jul 16, 2019

Sean Legacy

Lance Anoi vs Sean Legacy


Enjoy this match! 💪


Eli Jav said...

Wow, Sean Legacy has gotten so much hotter. I don't think I noticed him before this match. Got hard the minute I saw these gifs. Hope we see more of him now

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Yeah, he looks hotter than before, and what makes me like him more than before is that he is not a heel.

Eli Jav said...

He was heel in most matches before? Tets-san, why must hot guys make stupid decisions like this? I hope he learns his lesson that being face is better (I hope he sees his body is better as face)

Tets (He is Out!) said...

I wonder who makes decisions to be heel or face. I thought wrestling promotions did, so I wanted to blame a promotion for making my favorites, Milad Akbar and Matt Vine, turn to heel. But maybe Tristan Archer has being heel these days by his own decision because he is a freelancer? Anyway, I definitely prefer hot wrestlers being face because simply beaten heroes turn me on and faces tend to get worked over more than heels.