Mar 6, 2019

Peter White

Peter White vs Demolition Davies


Enjoy this match! 💪


hornybrawler said...
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Wrestling Arsenal said...

What a great example of the classic Man vs. Beast pro wrestling scenario. Nice find!

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Maybe he got muscle to get beaten harder.

Tets (He is Out!) said...


Yes, it is classic, but this is what I really want.

Eli Jav said...

I love how his name is White and he wears tight white jobber trunks around his package. He spends so much time building the perfect muscled pecs arms and legs and yet so much time in the ring is for all his muscle to kiss the ground. It must be what it likes.

(my first comment in awhile, so officially, welcome back and glad you are well!)

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you, Eli-san.
I remember that Peter White used to wear trunks that are not white, but definitely, white makes him look a perfect jobber.