Apr 29, 2018

Arigato! -3rd Anniversary-

It’s been 3 years since I started ‘He Is Out!’. I’m so grateful to you all for visiting here. I always wonder if my same old posts are boring to you, and there is some things that I’ve been trying to fix. But any kinds of your reaction, such as comments or “like”s or reposting images I posted, always make me happy and make me want to keep sharing wrestlers and matches that I find hot.
おかげさまでHe Is Out!は3周年を迎えました。読者の皆様に感謝申し上げます。投稿がいつもワンパターンでつまらないのではないか・・・などと心配したり、修正したい箇所をなかなか修正できなくて困ったりと、いろいろありますが、皆さんからいただくコメントやイイね!を励みにしながら、セクシーなレスラーやエロい試合をこれからも紹介していきたいと思っています。よろしくお願いします。

※These pics are from previous posts. 過去のブログから・・・










hornybrawler said...

Your posts are not boring at all. Even though I've been following you for only a few months, each and every one of your posts captivates all my attention. I'm never tired of watching tough studs getting abused and knocked out. Thank you for keeping sharing these finest moments of pro wrestling.

Anonymous said...

Always a pleasure to visit ^__^

Chris H said...

A very happy anniversary to you and this amazing blog :D I admit, even if I only comment every once in a while, I check this blog at least once a day to see if there's some new, sexy demolition you've got to share with us. I hope you enjoy making these posts as much as I enjoy seeing em, cause they really are something special :)

Wrestling Arsenal said...

Congratulations on 3 great years! I enjoy your posts and sometimes copy them into my own wrestling blog. Just know that there are plenty of us out here enjoying your work -- please keep it up! There just aren't enough websites to see hot pro wrestling images but yours is one of the best!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! It has been a pleasure following your posts. Definitely some of the best/ hottest content out there!

greenspeedos said...

I do love your posts....even better when the video is available....seeing a guy out cold is wonderful. Thanks

Unknown said...

That wrestler in Red with the beard falling to his knees, what match is that from??

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you! I always enjoy reading your comments that include erotic fantasy sometimes. Your comments motivate me to keep doing this blog. I hope you will like my future posts, too.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thanks! I hope you will keep visiting here and enjoy my posts.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you for your kind words and visiting here everyday. Sorry that I can't update more often. Maybe I need to set a goal to make posts that are so hot that you can't leave without leaving a comment. Ha ha.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you for your kind words about my work. I also thank you for posting about this Anniversary. I really love the post because you focused a particular move from images on my posts. I understand that your interesting ideas like that are making your blog so popular.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thanks a lot! I started this blog because simply, I just wanted to know if anyone liked thing that I found hot. So you find my posts hot, it is my pleasure, too.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you. I wish I could always put a link of the full match. I know what you feel. Sorry.

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you for your interest. The pictures are from this post, and it has a link of the full match. I hope you will enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd year anniversary!!! I love your posts a lot! Arigato for featuring sexy wrestlers and their hot matches! :)

Anonymous said...

I started following your posts about a year ago, and boy I was happy to find this blog! Keep posting and continue to turn us on!!;p

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you! Good to hear that you like my posts. Arigato-gozaimasu!

Tets (He is Out!) said...

Thank you for following my blog. I hope my future posts will turn you on.