Nov 25, 2016

Clutch Adams

Luis Martinez (C) vs. Clutch Adams 【NO DQ match】

Enjoy this match! (1:04:11) 💪


Leona Lewis said...

The whitey tighties are the best!

Chris H said...

good lord this guy's amazing at selling those blows, I love his punch drunk wobbling, staying on his feet for so long until his opponent finally puts him down! x.x

heisout said...

Leona Lewis-san;
I agree! I tend to choose matches where a hot wrestler is wearing white trunks.

heisout said...

Chris H-san;
I love the way he is punched and gets groggy. He really knows how to job beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Check out Clutch Adams vs Teddy Hart

Tets (He is Out!) said...

I really liked both of the matches. Maybe I should post? Thanks!